Land Requirement
To start a Brighton in your city, the land requirement is divided in two parts
Metro : 1.5 Acres +
Non Metros (Rural or Urban): 4 Acres +
If the land is on lease, the minimum duration should be 15 years and more. We believe, the real joy of running a school one comes when such an area is apportioned to the project.
No. 2
School is a very capital intensive as a project and a school which meets moderate success (80% probability), the project would require the promoters to invest over a period of 6 – 10 years in the project If one only takes into account the construction cost, the estimated investment required per year will be as follows; Year 0 – 1: 3+ | Year 2 -3 : 1+ Cr |Year 4-5: 2 + Cr| Year 6-7 : 2+ Cr. Over a period of 6-10 years, the project would require an investment of 7-10 Cr. barring the cost of land. This investment should accommodate about 1800-2000 students.
No. 3
Brighton International School is positioned as a budget school catering to Middle Class and Upper Middle Class Parents. The Infrastructure is built over a period of time. In the beginning year a Brighton’s franchise has to build a minimum of 20,000 plus square feet and shall have close to 80,000 – 1 Lac Square feet over a period of 8-10 years. Barring the cost of land, elevation, landscaping and sports facilities (since they are subjective), the infrastructure (along with furniture & fixtures) should cost about Rs 1000 per square feet.
No. 4
Brighton International School works as a very transparent organisation, promoters looking to join hands should believe in quality education and strive for excellence rather than cutting corners and comprising with the second-grade.